Soul Reasonings: the feelings, movements, stirrings and impulses that we feel in our soul, which cause us to act, think and speak.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A New Chapter Begins...

It's official...

Lord, give me the strength, energy, drive and creativity to see this thru to the very end, and not fuck it up...


Welcome, Triniyute!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Soul Reasonings: Carnival Jumbie

Trust The Hurricane to pull me out of semi-retirement.

In case you haven’t heard, I have been asked to do some guest pieces for the Carnival blog/site Trinidad Carnivals. The site is a new entry into the Carnival coverage scene, and is run by The Hurricane, aka Maria Lopez, aka *whap*, OWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! (she’s really trying to stay on the low). Anyway, our agreement was I do 2 guest articles for the site and, depending on how those 2 articles are received, we’ll discuss my becoming a regular contributor.

Well, I wrote the 2 pieces. The first was a simple narrative, based on my experiences on Carnival Tuesdays over the years (this got split into 2 parts). The second was a review of a mas camp that myself and partners-in-crime, Shello and Lylos, visited. I wrote my ass off, submitted the 2 pieces, and proceeded to grab my bottle of Patron, some grapefruit juice (needed chaser), and cower in the darkest corner I could find to await Armageddon (aka The Phone Call).

So, what happened? It appears that I will be having a discussion with The Hurricane regarding my becoming a regular contributor to the site. And all I can say is thank you. People have always told me that I have a talent for writing, but if you know me, you know I never believe my own hype. So in short, I am incredibly honoured and humbled, and I hope to raise the quality of my writing, so that I never disappoint anyone who may happen across my work. 

Thanks a lot, once again to The Hurricane, for dragging my ass off the couch, and to everyone who took the time to read my work.

Chad, aka Triniyute, aka Soul Reasoner…

P.S. The two articles are linked in the posts below.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Special Assignment: Trinidad Carnivals Mas Camp Tour 2012: Oasis Carnival

So, I have started to d some guest articles for the good folk at

This first post was a simple review of Oasis Carnival's mas camp. I have a longer one that should be up and running by tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck...

Trinidad Carnivals Mas Camp Tour 2012: Oasis Carnival