As a neophyte blogger, I'm still learning the ropes about the blogosphere and the rules of etiquette that govern it. As a long time writer who simply took a 15-yr long hiatus from writing, I know what it means when a fellow writer asks you to bless their space with your words. It's one of the greatest honours/compliments that one writer can pay another. So when Tammy-Jade Vasquez (aka the Spotless Cussbud) asked me to do a guest post for her blog,
White is too Pure for My Dirty Mouth, I was speechless. Spotty Cuss and I share one of those big brother-little sister relationships, where I feel like I could strangle her one minute, and give her a big bear hug the next. She is also the major reason why this blog is up and running today. If it wasn't for her persistence (re: nagging), this space would not exist. So thanks, cuss, for allowing me to bless your space with my words. It was an honour I will never forget, and always cherish :). (She is also a pretty talented web-graphic designer, so hopefully she will bless up my page with some art, ;))
whatever happened to your titles? you used to say things like
ReplyDeleteSOUL REASONINGS... i lied.
SOUL SOUNDS... Soundtrack for the new year
i enjoyed the categories.
Serious? I thought I was being redundant. Btw, not sticking. Jus going thru a bit of exam-induced writers block...